Here's a fantastic SCRAP BUSTING Sewing project using squares of any size to make sweet little reversible FABRIC BASKETS.

In this sewing project you will be making 2 cubes which will fit into each other to form 1 reversible cube basket. Consider using contrasting fabrics for a lining and outer effect.
To make this project you're going to need the following materials and kit:
- Scrap fabrics (woven no stretch best)
- Optional Interfacing/stabilzer (I like fusible)
- Threads
Gather all your gear and let's go...
If you'd like some help with this project or just to show and tell join my Facebook PATTERN CLUB where you can chat to me directly (and others possibly making the same thing)
STEP 1 - Cutting out
CUT out x10 square pieces (5 for the outer / 5 for a lining) You can choose the size of these squares depending on the scraps that you have available.
(The sample in these photos used 6" squares including a 1/2" seam allowance)
Don't forget to account for a seam allowance all around each piece (I like 1/2")
If you'd like to make the same size as me download the templates below for FREE
Want to stiffen your basket? Depending on the weight and thickness of your fabrics you could consider stiffening your basket sides.
If you want to do this I like to use a fusible interfacing and I would only stiffen 1 cube not both.
If using fusible cut out 5 squares the same size, LESS the seam allowance that you have chosen (you don't need interfacing in the seams as this will hinder the crisp edges of your basket).
STEP 2 - Sew
JOIN first 3 pieces together by sewing each square RST (Right sides together) in a row. Use any seam allowance you like but just stick to it throughout the project (I like 1/2").
TOP TIP - Do not sew edge to edge, only sew between the seam allowance, this way when you join the sides to form your basket the seam allowances will move out of the way for you. Confused? This will make sense in STEP 4 I promise.
STEP 3 - Sew
JOIN 2 more pieces to the center square in the same way (RST) to create a CROSS shape.
PRESS / IRON seams open as you go
STEP 4 - Joining the sides
Pull 2 adjoining squares RST to form one of the sides of your box. SEW using the same seam allowance that you chose earlier.
Do this to all sides to form a cube. Then turn your box right way out and PRESS seams open.
STEP 5 - Repeat
There you have 1 box. Now you need to repeat steps 1-4 to create another one.
NOTE: leave a small gap (1.5") in one of the sides of this basket, you will need this later to turn your basket the right way through.
STEP 6 - Joining the 2 boxes
INSERT one cube into the other ensuring the right sides are together/touching. Consider if you want to add little handle loops? You could insert them at this point into this seam.
SEW the 2 cubes together at the top edge all the way around.
STEP 7 - Turn through
Carefully turn your basket the right way out through the small hole you left in STEP 5.
PRESS all elements of your basket to get crisp edges after the turning through process may have creased the whole thing up.
STEP 8 - Finishing
Hand stitch the hole on the lining to finish your little basket. I like using a ladder stitch.
Optional - TOPSTITCH the top of your basket to create a clean edge.
I will often remove the front case on my machine to sew this more easily.
When TOPSTITCHING I use a longer stitch (maybe 3-5mm) and never backstitch reverse, just tie and cut the loose strands.
A 1/4" guide foot is my best friend for topstitching
YOU ARE FINISHED now make a dozen more!
Want to make NESTING BASKETS? Make more baskets in the same way but increase or decrease the size of all pieces slightly:
- 1/2" on the height and 1" on the width of the side pieces.
- 1" on the base sq all around.
For example box 1 has 6x6" square sizing on all sides and base.
Box 2 has sides 5.5" high x5" wide and base 5x5"
Box 3 has sides 4.5 high x5" wide and base 4x4"
What will you put in your scrap basket? How about scraps!

More scrap busting ideas HERE

I hope that this project inspired you to get sewing, if you have a go at this project please let me know in the comments below, I would love to get your feedback.

And if you you are on Insta or Fb share with me @frecklesandcocraft
Until next time, Happy Sewing