I've recently been setting up my DREAM SEWING SPACE in our new home and I thought I would share some of my TOP TIPS for creating a space that really works.
After years of experience in different sewing rooms, I've realized there is definitely more to think about than just a table and a power point. Read on and I'll tell you everything I've learned, and how to put it together, to create a dream space that will inspire you everyday and help you to sew more.
Creating the perfect sewing room is much like designing a kitchen, you will use the space in a certain way during projects, going from your machine, to your work space and to your iron in repetition. So the layout is really important.
Over the years I have had several studio spaces, which were always rented and often shared, so there was always a need to pack away at the end of each day. However not any more! FINALLY after years of patience (and hours on Pinterest) I now have a private sewing space at home.
Firstly I always like to clear the room entirely if possible and start a fresh so that I can see the space and the potential it will have. I have an obsession with white walls and ideally hard flooring to avoid any accidents with stray pins. Also carpet will hold all your fabric fluff, thread strands and inevitably biscuit crumbs!
Next I plan out 3 key areas:
Where will your machine/s live? Can you keep them out? I use a Janome 230DC and the Janome 6234XL overlocker which don't take up that much space but I still like to keep them out on the desk.
One crucial thing I have learned over the years is that if you can raise your desk or sit low then you can avoid backache and see your stitching more clearly. I use the IKEA A-frame table legs to lift my desk top higher so that I can see the needle and I don't bend in so much whilst sewing.
I know you hate ironing but it's a necessary evil in the sewing room and will become your most used tool, so make room for it to stay out if possibly and have it close to your workspace.
I currently use a couple of wool pressing mats that I can move around, so I created a space to keep them on my IKEA kallax unit.
If possible your workspace will be separate from the machine desk, but if not then make sure you have a space to put your machine whilst using the table for cutting. Cutting space is essential and you always need more than expected!
When cutting fabrics I switch between good sharp fabric scissors and a rotary cutter so I always need a self healing mat on the surface to protect the table. I like my worktable to be high too and this leaves extra room for storage underneath.
These key areas, big or small, need to be close to each other so that you can move easily between each and work in an efficient way during a craft project.
Another thing to consider is good lighting, I use a daylight strip to brighten my workspace so that I can sew after dark but changing your bulb will have the same effect.
After these essentials anything goes, but I like to find room for the following things to make my space as comfortable and inspiring as possible.
Fabric stash - try to keep your stash organised so that you can find what you need easily
Tool station - Like any craft you will accumulate many little essential tools
Threads and notions - colour coded always!
Patterns and manuals - another thing you will accumulate is sewing patterns. Keep them safe and re-use by tracing where possible. Check out my sewing patterns shop.
Inspiration and special items - Inspiring books, images and gifts from loved ones. Having these things around inspires me. I'll tell you more about my specials over on INSTAGRAM.
And finally a 'Thinking Chair' not essential but a nice luxury! All my best ideas come when I'm relaxed so thinking time is pretty important.
In summary here's my TOP TIPS to creating the sewing space of your dreams
- High work desk
- Good light
- Ironing station
- Organization and Inspiration
If you want more inspiration I've been pinning workspaces on Pinterest, take a look now and let me know how you get on creating your dream workspace, even if its just at the visualization stage, truthfully that's the most fun!
I hope you found this helpful. If you want to see my workspace Head over to my Instagram page and share your workspace with me.
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Until next time, Happy sewing