You don't need a Valentine to spread a little LOVE
Send some love to yourself ('note to self') you deserve it!

Send love to a friend, or even a stranger. Why not leave a little love note in a library book that says have a nice day.
If you'd like to have a go at this embroidery project read on for the full instructions and also some FREE TEMPLATES to get you going.
In this 6 step tutorial I'll show you how to make a note card but the design can be translated onto any cardboard project, so get creative.
Here's what you'll need:
- Card
- Needle
- Thread (I like to use 6 strand embroidery thread so that I can split the strands for a thinner result when needed)
- Optional thimble to protect your finger no-one wants blood on their love note
- Optional hole punch for bookmark or tag.
FREE template available to download HERE
Are you ready?? Gather all your gear and let's go...
CREATE your card article, a bookmark, notecard or tag by cutting your card to desired shape and size. If you are making a bookmark or tag you will need a hole punch and you might wish to add a tassel.

Draw or trace a DESIGN onto your card article (bookmark, note card) with a pencil in dots equally spaced.

PUNCTURE the card with a needle through each dot including a center hole(be mindful not to crease or bend your card while pulling the needle through!)
You may want to protect your fingers with a thimble.

Choose your Thread and KNOT one end.

Starting from the back, start SEWING from dot to dot passing through the center each time.

Note: The center hole will get very crowded so create an ample size hole and don't use very thick thread.

Keep sewing until you have completed your design, ideally with one piece of thread. Then SECURE the loose end by passing back through the bulk of thread in the center a few times.

If the reverse is a little messy you could always stick a little piece of card over the back to hide it, but the more you make the neater you will get so share lots of love!

If drawing the design in step 2 seems a bit tricky download these FREE TEMPLATES and trace the quick and easy love heart design now.
Until next time, Happy Crafting